PRIMAL MOTHER - A Holistic Preconception Guide

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This is your blueprint to learning how to holistically prepare for your body for pregnancy. In our modern toxic world, baby’s umbilical cords have tested for over 150 chemicals. The rate of infertility has increased to a staggering 1 in 6 couples, affecting millions of people yearly. And that number is sadly rising. It’s no wonder many couples struggle to conceive, have pregnancy complications and many young babies have health issues like eczema, allergies and more.  

As such, it has become imperative to heal the root cause of this epidemic. By supporting our bodies, prior to conceiving,  so that we can create the healthiest possible for our future children 

By reading this ebook, you will reclaim power over your fertility and reproductive health and have the tools to pave the path to a healthy, vibrant and hopefully easy pregnancy. 

Things you will learn:

  • The A-Z on how to detox your body from toxins prior to birth 
  • The root causes of reproductive challenges and remedies based on traditional Chinese medicine 
  • The best most nourishing fertility foods 
  • Nutrient dense and easy to make recipes 
  • Daily nourishing elixirs 
  • The Ayurvedic approach to culturing the womb
  • Herbs and supplements to take for optimal reproductive health 
  • How to support your mitochondria & in turn, egg and sperm health 
  • Practices to improve your circadian biology to support your hormones, energy, sleep and daily functions
  • Daily practices to optimize your hormones, mood, energy & wellbeing 
  • Healing your inner child 
  • Pelvic floor exercises 
  • & so much more!

So much thorough research went into creating this guide for you. We hope you love it and we hope it empowers you in every way. 

In Health & Fertility,

Ranim & Angelika 

*Not subject to refunds* 

IG: @ranim_t | @cookwithangelika

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